Positive Post #6 and some Candy
Watching the Biggest Loser today for the first time. They tell us that the more colorful your food is the healthier it will be. Which is why we are now only eating the colored goldfish crackers. Great now I'll have to teach Danielle that pizza is not healthy. Seriously in honor of that show we will be having another candy giveaway. leave a comment with the name of your favorite Halloween candy.
Random.org picked a winner for the last pseudo giveaway- congratulations #2 which is Carlie. Carlie I will be sending you candy.
End Positive Post #6
Random.org picked a winner for the last pseudo giveaway- congratulations #2 which is Carlie. Carlie I will be sending you candy.
I have to say that I love fall. we went and picked out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch. Danielle loves to play outside and I feel like the fall is the perfect time. The Fall where we are is my favorite thing ever. I love it. Also who wouldn't love the season that brings us Halloween candy.
End Positive Post #6
Huge pumpkins! Pretty.
My favorite Halloween candy is any Hershey's kind. I just take them right out of the kids' buckets and right into one for Andy and I. (I pretend that Andy actually eats it, but it's really just me.) So far, they don't seem to care. They like all the sweet sugary candy like Nerds better than the chocolate anyway. I just don't like dark chocolate much. Reeses is the best.
Hurrah. I won candy! It seems comment number 2 is lucky, so maybe I'll win again. My favorite halloween candy is mini health bars.
Not sure that it's really Halloween-specific, but I'm a huge fan of just about anything that combines peanut butter and chocolate. That and chewy fruit-flavored candy like Mike and Ike's.
There are candies I miss from back home like Coffee Crisps. But I think the candies that I was always most excited to see as a kid were fundips and laffytaffys
Nice article...my favorite candy is BUTTERFINGERS!
Steven already commented, but since you asked nicely on another post and put a link to make it easy to get to (us med students are suckers for that) I'll comment too. Candy is awesome. We just got one of those giant 4 lb tubs of jelly belly jelly beans last weekend and now it is almost gone. Sad.