My Post Birthday List
My birthday was last week and I got so many great presents. But since i am greedy I thought I
would post my "post birthday list." If I had lots of money I would get these things.- A gift card for Machine Quilting from Kayleen Perry for Amity Quilting. They are both so good!
- Tea collection clothing for Danielle sized 18 months daily tea collection. It is so cute right now!
- A nintendo Wii- with Wii Fit of course.
- White Frames from the Pottery Barn sized 8 by 10 and 5 by 7
- A white ledge- 2 or 3 feet long
- Shoes- either the Josef Seibel ones or these Eric Michael ones.
- A white decal
- the Game Loaded Questions- we used to have it and now it's lost
- The game DOGE- we miss playing it since we moved here- what a fantastic game!
- Shoeboxes from the container
store. So awesome!
- Dinner at Basta Pasta
Every year if people forget my birthday I like to tell them that I am still accepting presents. It is funny and Paul always ends up sending me a present. I love it! Also I like making lists on the computer about things I need. I realize I probably won't get these things but the act of making the list is somehow very satisfying. and I think a blog should bring that satisfaction.
Now that is an awesome post- the post birthday list.I think one of the primary reasons I should have a blog is so I can post about things I really like or would like to purchase. This is like a public birthday list everyone can see but it is after my birthday so there are no expectations. I think if everyone posted a post birthday list they could publicly acknowledge things they didn't get for their birthday and will probably never get. Your post birthday list shouldn't be too practical since most of the time birt
hday gifts are things you would normally not get. Also since you already got all your birthday presents no one has to get you anything. I loved my presents and I wouldn't trade them for these things (well maybe the wii but no one would get me that- I would feel weird if someone did because that's WAY too expensive.) Anyway the post birthday list- it could catch on if enough people realized it's awesomeness.
you're hilarious! we'll keep reading your yearly post-birthday list and someday, when we make money, we'll send you a birthday present. :) if you'll reciprocate the kindness, that is. hehe.
This was a brilliant idea for a post! I hope it does catch on! Happy wayyy late birthday!