Danielle went to the doctor yesterday because my mom told me it wasn't normal for a baby to seem to have a sore throat because she makes a face when she swallows. OK she had a fever of 103 and an ear infection. I felt bad for getting mad at her because she was crying all day and just wanted to be helped but still kept crying and I was just at the end of my rope.
Aren't parents supposed to sense when a baby is sick? Being a mom makes me feel stupid sometimes. Even with all these books sometimes I just think I will never be able to figure this out. that's what being a mom is to me.
I know it takes time to learn and I probably shouldn't really blog about things like this but I want to. That is Danielle's first ear infection and the doctor was like- good job! P.S. I wasn't actually the reason that she's never had an ear infection before but it still felt good. Almost as good as it feels knowing she should feel better tomorrow.
I never thought about how much you care about this other person, and you feel so guilty if you don't do everything perfectly. Of course no one is perfect and I am just learning, but you are emotionally invested. My theory is that some of the emotional investment is probably from hormones- not only do you love your child, also if your child is sick, you don't get any sleep and you are miserable all day. It's really humbling.

Jennifer (April 1, 2008 at 3:41 PM)  

Poor sick baby! Its so sad when little kids are sick and can't tell you what's wrong!

P.S. I deeply resent being added to the poll on who will have the next baby. Don't bet on me, people - I'm a planner and a baby just ain't in the plans!

Claire (April 1, 2008 at 4:15 PM)  

I feel so sad for baby Danielle. I'm glad you took her to the doctor.

janaemadsen (April 1, 2008 at 6:54 PM)  

Let it be known that the poll is gone. also that Claire and Paul received votes. It continues on the sharp sibling site.

Jennifer (April 2, 2008 at 4:28 PM)  

Let's discuss the new poll...

I picked Ethan - and that is the name of my friend's boy, who is now 5!

Hunter - hmmmm
Mark - this is good, too. A nice sturdy boy name, but nothing exceptional or memorable.
Aaron - I dated a total loser named Aaron, when I was a freshman in high school. His best friend was also named Aaron, also a loser. And then my senior year, I briefly dated a boy named Erin (what? I know!) who was also a loser. Hmmm - not sure if this says more about my poor choices or the negative association with the name... Anyway, moving on.

Vincent - have you seen Pulp Fiction?

John - um - you're married to one... That would be highly confusing. And then, to alleviate the confusion, you would have to call the child by his middle name, or (shudder) call him Junior. Either way, better to have just given him a different name and avoided the confusion altogether.

I'm feeling chatty today - can you tell?

janaemadsen (April 3, 2008 at 5:04 AM)  

I love that everyone makes so many blog comments. the other thing about the poll is that Claire and I both like the name Ethan. Although I clearly claimed it first we are in a race to see who will get it first.
I will win.

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