Money Monday's
So here's what I'd like to show for money mondays: a new laptop. Not that I've looked at a ton of laptops. I just know that the laptop I have been using since starting school at BYU is getting pretty slow. Also, it is cracked and the battery lasts about 25 minutes.
One laptop that I have seen is the new Apple MacBook Air. I hear it has a lot of drawbacks as a general-use laptop, but I don't really know. I do know that it is super tiny and light, as well as super expensive.Another laptop is the older MacBook. It is cheaper and more versatile, but also bigger and heavier. I should also mention that I have never before owned or used an Apple computer. I just really like the designs that Apple comes up with, so here's a picture of that.
The last, least exciting, and probably most realistic option would be to upgrade the laptop that I already have. I don't know how much this would cost, but I have heard it is cheaper and better for the environment to just upgrade your old laptop.
I want one so bad I could die. What about the Apple version? I think I want more memory.
John - nice to see you posting! I know quite a few people who have switched to Macs lately and they all love them! There is a bit of a learning curve, but they are supposed to be really user-friendly, so I think that you would pick it up really quickly!
Good luck! I'm dying for a new laptop, but I don't think I'll be getting one anytime soon. But it does make me laugh that I can buy an Ipod with 4 times the memory as my laptop!
Macs are expensive pieces, bleg. One thing you could try is buying a different laptop (PC) then installing a Mac OS on it. You will find however, that just about everything has compatibility issues with mac, it's worse than Vista in that regard (though tons more user friendly).
Oh, something to keep in mind, the Mac Air doesn't even have an optical drive (DVD/CD player/burner). That to me makes the thing worthless, you would have to buy an external DVD player just to use the blasted thing. Oh, and what's so special about being able to put it in a Fedex envelope? It would just get busted to hell in there if you shipped it (I've seen how Fedex works), it is one of the worst ideas since the Munich Agreement.