The Last Easter Bunny
The Last of the Bunnies
Who likes Peeps? I feel like either you like them or hate them. Or both. My dad had this theory that Peeps should be left on the counter for a day or two to harden. Of course with 5 kids they never attained the perfect consistency. I don't know if I like peeps, but now that my cavities are filled I can eat them. This morning I wondered where the rest of the happy pink bunnies had gone to- my mom sent them for Easter and they seem to have hopped out of their package to somewhere.
I think that everyone should check out the peeps website. The super cool music featured there was playing in the background for inspiration during this post.
I lea
Okay... we're going to put all of our replies on this post. #1 - the best boy name is Aaron, of course! #2 - john - your rock wall is awesome and we're totally jealous! our 500 sq ft apartment won't accommodate such a novelty, or even a hang board for that matter. #3 - danielle is stinking adorable. we loved the video of her walking. our girls will be friends from a distance for now. :)
the wilkinsons
Mmmmmm...Peeps.... Tasty!
I hate peeps. They're disgusting.
Peeps are good, they are too soft when new however. Peeps do need to be aged, but I feel they should be aged for just a few hours, otherwise they are too hard. Granted it depends on how open the package is, but still, just a few hours works fine.