My little Alien.

Well since I am sick of not writing about my cravings and sicknesses I thought I should tell everyone I am having a baby in september. I am due on my mom's birthday. About 2 months into John's first semester of Medical school. So if anyone wants to spend sunny October in Scranton watching a little girl named Danielle and TBA Madsen child they are welcome to come visit us. I am not excited to move into a ward while 7 months pregnant.
I noticed that many people have a floating embryo on their blog, so I wanted one too. Isn't that reason enough to get pregnant? I considered just posting one on my blog for the joy of the floating alien but after a few pregnancy tests I realized you could track the alien that is giving me heartburn this very minute. We don't know if it is a girl or a boy yet so we can just call it "alien". I would say Alien peanut because that's what all the ultrasounds of babies seem to look like but more realistically it is probably still an alien cashew.
I remember once Jen's downstairs neighbors (of the cloth diapers) had made a chalk drawing of their "embryo" on the wall next to their door. This new version of chalk drawings was quite intriguing. Who draws an embryo on their wall? And an 8 week old one at that? Although it was disturbing at the time, I am embracing this baby ticker html. Could there be a classier way to announce that I'm pregnant? I don't think so.

NaDell (March 5, 2009 at 11:27 AM)  

How fun! Do you get sick then or just heartburn?
(Just heartburn, right? Like that's nothing...)
I'm pretty sure that I'll be busy on my side of the country. I bet you have some family or awesome friends who could help you out though.armsi

Claire (March 5, 2009 at 11:32 AM)  

I can't wait for the alien baby.

kathryn (March 5, 2009 at 12:16 PM)  

NO WAY!!!!!!! That is so exciting!!!!! I can't believe the entire Madsen family has decided to have babies in September!!! We won't be one of them though :) I'm so happy for you. Are you super sick? YEAHHHHHH for a new neice or nephew!!!

kathryn (March 5, 2009 at 12:19 PM)  

Ok, I just reread your blog and realized you didn't say the baby is due in September. When is the due date?

sivab (March 5, 2009 at 12:22 PM)  

Congrats Janae! We would be more than happy to help in anyway we can. Maybe we will have to meet in philly and we can take Danielle for you while you move. I am eager to see your floating alien widgit.

DC Diva (March 5, 2009 at 12:24 PM)  


We are very excited for Madsen Baby #2.

Um, I have some stuff I need to give back to you. ;)

mablebrown (March 5, 2009 at 4:14 PM)  

I'm so happy you're having another little alien. I'm going to live vicariously through you. And I guess I will have to come visit now!

P.S. YAY for John starting Medical School!

HeatherandTanner (March 5, 2009 at 6:29 PM)  

Wow! Congrats!! How exciting for you both!

Jennifer (March 6, 2009 at 12:13 AM)  

Gross. Your alien baby is funny looking.

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