A Bad Day.

On Saturday we took the whole family to Peace Valley Park. Since it was the first day that didn't have snow everywhere for a while we had lots of company. Bedford got to meet lots of fun dogs and play with a lab. Danielle was busy with her work of putting all the pebbles into the water. I captured her hard work. She often has little projects she works on. The other day she paced around the living room and talked to herself while I watched from the couch. She is pretty focused, just like she couldn't look up for a picture during her hard work.

Austin ran out one direction while Bedford ran another. Austin was in the water and Danielle was trying to get the tennis ball that was 10 feet offshore. I went after Danielle and John picked Bedford and bam- I think Austin went potty in the water. He was squatting over like poo. His bottom was in the water. Nothing was floating though. I couldn't make it there in time- how do you scoop up underwater poo's? I almost didn't want to look or I wanted to act like he wasn't my dog- he was very far away after all and it was a confirmed potty in the water. Do dogs think about these type of things when they are drinking the lake water? Does this mean Austin will learn to use the potty?

Our family has not had much luck with pets. We adopted cats. Oops it turns out I am allergic to cats. And we had to bring them back to the rescue (for those of you who haven't adopted from a rescue you sign that you will contact the rescue if you can't keep the cats). They are a great rescue, but Maya it turns out has FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) which is 100% fatal. She probably had it before we got her. That is why she wasn't gaining weight, it wasn't just a bad reaction to the medicine for ringworm. She saw the vet every week and they didn't catch it- a few days after we brought her back the rescue took her to a different vet. After exploratory surgery (and LOTS of other tests) they figured it out. The rescue updates us about it and I feel so sad for her. Simon got adopted the day after we brought him back. Never was there a better cat. He would come when you called him. Whenever I walked into the room he started purring. I am in love with cats. Too bad about the whole not being able to breathe around them. It wasn't ask bad as my mom's allergies so I didn't know what to do at first. I felt terrible but it is nice to not feel itchy and be able to sleep in my bedroom again.

Bedford the dog was also from a rescue. They brought the puppies up from the south and the mother was heartworm positive. We talked to the vet when we got him and there was a chance that Bedford had heartworm, but we wouldn't know until he was a little bit older. The vet said that when puppies get heartworms from their mother the heartworms don't fully develop. The fear was that he was bitten with a mosquito. We will find out soon if he has heartworm. The vet said it is treatable.

I am not getting any more pets. Maybe ever. And maybe no more going to the park either.

NaDell (March 10, 2009 at 11:24 PM)  

Danielle's hair is getting long!
My kids work on those kinds of projects too. Like last year, in the backyard, they were having a great time trying to see who could get the most sandy dirt in their hair. I think it was a draw every time. It's really fun to try to brush out too along with laundry, vacuuming, etc.

Carlie (March 11, 2009 at 12:13 AM)  

That is so sad about the kitty Maya and possible heartworms for poor Bedford. My sister's dog was successfully treated for them a year ago. Rescue pets are always a mixed bag. Ember had a really bad case of ear mites...not nearly as serious as heartworms...but it took a few months and a lot of trips to the vet to finally rid him of the mites.

Jennifer (March 16, 2009 at 10:58 PM)  

Danielle looks SOOOOOO grown up in that second picture!!!

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