I love sleep.

Babies are wonderful things. I wonder if they make a sleeping version. I would like that version next time please.

It's so different with my second baby. Last night I was about to make a blog post about how much easier Mark is and how he sleeps. It was rough with Danielle throwing up all the time and crying because she was in pain. Of course today Mark threw up and cried a lot of the day- so I guess it's good that I didn't speak too soon.
I think he just wanted to remind me what it was like to be tired after my great mother in law left. She helped with the baby and I was starting to feel normal again. I miss her. I wish we lived closer to family. Moving to a brand new area right before the baby was born has been a little scary. Since babies should be accompanied by a sleepless haze that makes you want to cry with joy when they finally start sleeping Mark stayed up almost all day (including the night portion of the day).
I found a cute picture of Danielle and Mark. It's probably two weeks old. I had to use the restroom and left Mark on the couch. When I heard Danielle talking to him I was scared at first. I guess she just thought he needed to look at her stickers. She likes showing him things. Her adjustment to having a sibling has been easier than moving- when we first got here we would all go to sleep then at some point in the night I would wake up with a Danielle foot in my face. How did she always end up in our bed without us noticing? Both of my children seem to be on a sleep strike lately.
I finally posted some prints in my designs shop. Now I just have to ship some orders (hooray!) tomorrow morning. If the children want to cooperate that is.

kathryn (October 11, 2009 at 12:30 AM)  

that is a really sweet story of Danielle showing Mark her stickers.

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