Spark People

So I am a member of a great website called Spark People. I even have my own inspirational site. I really like this website and I like keeping track of what I want to eat. I don't think I ever paid attention to calories or portion size before I had Danielle and now I feel like it is just so much easier to maintain a healthy weight with working out than lose baby weight. I started by just tracking what I ate and how much I worked out. They will give you a menu and an easy workout plan. Every day you can post what you ate.
One of my favorite things? is free. I don't have to pay anyone and it is safely anonymous. I have learned so much about eating and my relationship with food. Also they give you points. Yes that's right- you get points. Now the points aren't like money and you can't really get anything from them but I am addicted. I am totally willing to work out for five more minutes just so I can get one more point for the day, and I love to fill out my goal sheet. With a certain level of points you get trophies. this is my current trophy: and it is as small as it looks. I love my trophy and on my page I can send people "gifts with my points. You don't lose your trophy though- it is still yours. If I save up enough points I can get a personal assistant or a yacht. I don't always want to save up though, because the other day I needed a Kitchenaid stand mixer. And I needed some other things= or at least pictures of them on my page. I have already purchased myself some workout clothes and Jen got me a guitar. How great is that?
This morning I went to the gym and ate a healthy breakfast which is exciting. Then I thought- I wonder how many calories I could eat in a day if I ate everything I really wanted to. So I went to spark people and entered my guilty dream day. here is what I would eat. I don't know if you can see it but I would eat Lucky charms with 2 percent milk and bacon and orange juice for breakfast. Then I would have Fetuccine Alfredo with mountain dew and the lemon cake from the Olive Garden (with strawberries). for Dinner I would eat Dominos Pepperoni Pizza with 5 cinna stix and some of that tasty butter dipping stuff.
My snacks would be a peanut butter twix, m & M's Yogurt, rice cakes, celery with ranch, and cadburry mini eggs.
I guess I left out cheese.

Total Calories in my day: about 5000. This would be an appropriate number of calories if I was an Olympic athlete. Entering it into sparkpeople was almost as good as eating all those things, and now I don't have to go back to the gym.

Also fantastic about this site: rewards. they tell you to reward yourself for meeting your own goals. The hardest part is that they tell you that food rewards aren't appropriate. I don't know if I can think of anything more rewarding than candy and maybe that is why I need a website to teach me how to eat.

sivab (June 14, 2008 at 6:38 AM)  

cool site Janae, I had not heard of it before. I will have to explore further after i am finished eating the rest of my birthday cake, I mustn't let it go to waste.

mablebrown (July 1, 2008 at 11:04 PM)  

Whoa, this sounds like a great website! Especially since I'd like to loose a couple pounds before my ten year reunion in August. Thanks Janae!

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