Blog Envy

Well I put a counter on my blog that measures how many unique visitors have come to my site. As of this morning it was 597. The counter has been there a while and I am so proud of it. Except then I made the mistake of looking at someone else's blog with a counter. the counter appeared one day on my friend's blog that I read. She is really funny. This morning her counter was at 27,684. You can imagine that I feel a bit stupid with my measly 597.
I thought about asking her to put some of my links on her blog. Like my Tupperware store icon or my etsy shop. Is this in bad taste? I would say most definitely, because we aren't close enough friends. Plus if 27 THOUSAND people are reading your blog, you have lots of friends who would pay you. Or just ask for free advertising like a mooch.
Which brings me to the comparison game of the week. My blog is not as good as some people. The other day someone in my ward told me people gossiped about me. Sadly, I am not the least liked person in the ward. I was told by someone else that they are the least popular woman in relief society. When you are being unpopular, wouldn't it be nice to be the least unpopular? It is like I joined a group of the alternative to the traditional fake moms but I am not really the best of the group. There are always the women in relief society that are nice to your face but then say how impossible it is that you are not more (fill in the blank). I usually get blasted for being too opinionated or pushy. Unfortunately for them I value honesty more than their feelings. I just don't agree with pretending everything is OK to someone's face and then blasting them to other people. Rather, I would like to blast people in all situations, public and private. This makes me part of the "mean" group. Every church group has them, and I think usually many of them are also the very hated "employed" group. Also frequently the "very fit and accomplished" group. So I guess I am a little biased but I don't work or pretend to be a fitness guru. I am just pushy and when people tell me they are so sad that their husbands won't stop watching football on Sunday I tell them I don't believe it is really impossible. Because it isn't. Maybe these women have never heard of TiVO.
Either way I am not the most pushy woman or the most educated. Or the most righteous for that matter. Most people are average, and it is interesting to see how I fall in my smaller circle. In high school I was in advanced English and our teacher was quite mean. He liked to publicly share bad examples as well as good examples. Most often I was one of the non-examples but one time my essay was highlighted as an example of "voice." Pretty much that was my proudest moment in high school. Sadly, my next paper was an in class write where my essay was deemed illegible and in the end my writing teacher recommended that I become an illustrator.
Secretly of course I wanted to have the best essays. Just like I want a funny blog. Unfortunately I don't really want to do the work necessary to attain the levels of greatness to which I aspire.
And if I did it might raise me to a higher level of mediocrity, but it is a long shot to have my friends randomly wish they could advertise on my blog.

Claire (June 26, 2008 at 12:44 PM)  

Sorry about the blog envy and all the backbiting that goes on in your relief society.

Jana (June 30, 2008 at 1:47 PM)  

I have an offer: I'll trade my blog counter for your boobs!

What's your email address? I need to discuss HFPE issues w/ you.

mablebrown (July 1, 2008 at 8:47 PM)  

Dude, your blog is funny and smart. And I just posted a link to it from my blog, so that might help you get like two more hits. I'll have to have Ben comment about Juan Bad hombre. And could you give an example of your pushiness? I just can't see it. I have been called mean at school, to which I reply, "I can't help it if the truth hurts."

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