Board Games

So I got to play a board game with our favorite board game partners, Jen and Steve and I thought it was time to write about how board games should be. Here are some thoughts in no particular order:

Top 10 Games

  1. New Board Game of the Moment ( I love new ones!)
  2. Puerto Rico
  3. Princes of Florence (thanks Karen!)
  4. Twilight Imperium
  5. Doge
  6. Settlers of Catan
  7. Killer Bunnies
  8. Ticket to Ride Europe
  9. Loaded Questions
  10. Alhambra
Cues that someone will not be a good game partner
  1. Favorite game is Scattergories
  2. Or Taboo
  3. They are just "not good at being competitive."
  4. They "always win" and tell you to get ready to lose
  5. They target Me and tell me I am going down.
  6. They say they like board games but just don't own any.
  7. They say their husband is good at board games but they just can't figure them out (this is translation for I cheat to try to let my dummy husband win)
  8. They say they won't play any game that lasts longer than an hour.
Worst Game Habits
  1. Favoring their spouse
  2. Pretending they aren't favoring their spouse and their spouse is just really smart.
  3. Defending their favoritism with comments like "well we are an eternal unit."
  4. Quitting halfway through
  5. Letting everyone else decide what they should do.
  6. Acting like they still don't get the rules
  7. Accusing you of cheating when they lose or when you point out they are breaking the rules.
  8. Saying the rules "don't matter" or they "don't care" about the rules- honestly just don't play.
  9. Being against game banter- Because I really literally wish my opponents were dead when I play a game. Everyone does. Or they should, because otherwise why are they playing?
  10. 4 words- Alex's 40 minute turns.
My Thanks
  1. Thanks Jen and Steve, for being fantastic and smart. I love smart game players!
  2. Ryan Hansen you are fantastic- starting a long game at midnight is the best
  3. Mike is so awesome at playing games and is funny
  4. Paul has the best answers in loaded questions-we just can't compete. not with the embarrassment at showing his ankle in the square
  5. Thanks for beating us so soundly at Ticket to Ride your first time Dana- that is great.
  6. Thanks mom for being so good at Rook.
  7. Thanks Paul for always wanting to play super long games.
  8. Thanks dad for always trying to beat your little kids at games until one day you never won again since we got better.

Dana Carlin (July 6, 2008 at 1:37 AM)  

"Acting like they still don't get the rules"
-I SWEAR I really did not get the rules for most of that game!! I was not acting.
-You're welcome for beating you. It was my pleasure.
-I miss you very much.
-I LOVE my new home! This is the best computer chair ever...and I'm never leaving.

Leonard (July 6, 2008 at 10:52 AM)  

Hey! Really nice blog! I also have one, =) It’s in English, but I actually live in Sweden. How about U?
Have a nice day =)

Jennifer (July 8, 2008 at 1:12 PM)  

Worst Games: Games that require trading.

No, I don't want to trade with you! In fact, I don't want to trade with anyone! These cards are MINE, all MINE, MINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINE MINE!

P.S. I opened that game you bought Steve and I am DYING to play it! It has about a million pieces, which is always exciting!

Come back soon!

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