This 80's House

I thought everyone should know that just a few hours after starting our first home improvement project with Uncle Mark we finally found the SD card for the camera. John found it. After I looked for a few hours. So I won't have before pictures for the office (when it is done that is). Mark visited even though our house is still in quite a state of disarray. He worked really hard the whole time. So hard I want to take a nap just thinking about it.
After hours of slaving away installing three ceiling fans in the bedrooms upstairs Mark wanted to shower. I guess he didn't want to use the dirty towels that John and I have been using. Danielle shares with me but I try not to shower very often. Just because I store my towel a pile on the floor doesn't mean it isn't company ready.... maybe. So finally we went to the linen closet and the only towel we could find was Danielle's hooded Valentine Towel from the pottery barn. You'll be happy to know I got it on clearance and she looks so cute in the hoods. Actually maybe it is from the outlet.
The next day when Mark pointed out that rather than look for a towel for him I fell asleep on the couch like a wonderful hostess I felt bad about not being able to find a towel.
I should have looked to this 80's house. Since the last owners, an elderly asian couple, left all the window coverings and some other special prizes we will have lots of fun adventures. This 80's house just keeps on giving, and Mark should have known that this 80's house always has towels. with lace. They're on the windows in the bathroom- especially for a situation like this. Even if I wasn't the best hostess ever, our old friends who owned the house before us are looking out for our guests. Thanks house! (I added the air freshener clip to the window- they had some really stinky air fresheners in when we moved in so it had to be changed)

sivab (August 15, 2009 at 8:46 PM)  

i really love the way the curtains are hung halfway so that you can still enjoy the beauty of the terrycloth and the view of "blank" PA (i would hate for stalkers to know where you live). Absolutely gorgeous. You are so luck to be able to move straight in without having to do a thing. So glad mark could help you out. Sorry he didn't get a chance to finish the office but free labor called elsewhere... I hope you are feeling a little cooler anyway.

mablebrown (August 15, 2009 at 10:45 PM)  

Those curtains are gorgeous!

Jennifer (August 16, 2009 at 12:58 AM)  

When did your blog stop saying "Madsen Empire"?

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