
Danielle Loves cupcakes. Every time she sees them she says "cup= cake" in her baby equivalent speech. The other day we were cleaning out her closet and she found her birthday decorations from last year. She was so excited about the Strawberry shortcake cupcake toppings that she wouldn't let me put them back. How long do those phony toppings stay good? They weren't past date and she is two in April. I asked Danielle if she wanted to make cupcakes with me. Of course the answer was yes- or rather nah which means yes. (not be confused with No)
Danielle was so excited but we only had Christmas cupcakes in the house. And green frosting with funfetti. I have cookie decorating for a small army but I was out of strawberry shortcake colored cake. And with February approaching it really is time to take down all the Christmas decorations (hint hint neighbors) and eat the last of the Christmas cupcakes. I turned the oven light on and Danielle sat by the oven. She pulled up a step stool so she could see it better.
Danielle loves cupcakes. It all started when she was one and we foolishly gave her a cake on her birthday. She knows how to say cupcake. I have no idea where she learned this work- I am hoping it was from me on the fated closet cleaning day but I suspect it was from a child. That is where she learned all her words. She learned apple from Isaac the first time he said it. Then we had to teach her that all food wasn't called apple. The other day she started saying "what the heck?" and holding up her arms. It is hilarious. I thought maybe it was from her parents until John pointed out that he cousins Fisher and Sam say what they heck- they were visiting us.
and lastly Killian taught her how to say hot dog.
Maybe, just maybe, the cupcake is mine.

Carlie (February 1, 2009 at 10:50 AM)  

So adorable! I love that face of pure joy by the oven. The other day I was actually craving cupcakes, so Matt and I decided it was Ember's birthday. We didn't have any cupcake wrappers, so we made cake was still good. I'm glad that Danielle also says "What the heck!" My other favorite Fisherism is when he says "Oh my gosh" with such passion.

Claire (February 2, 2009 at 4:50 PM)  

I love that she's so delighted to watch the cupcakes bake in the oven.

mablebrown (February 4, 2009 at 2:38 PM)  

Your little cupcake is too cute. Crap, now I've got to go get some cupcakes...starving!

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