Election Day

Today was election day. So far all I know is that two very bad things have happened to me.
1. I didn't get an "I voted sticker." Luckily Barack Obama's campaign had lots of extra money so when the regular election fell apart I got a nice 3 inch "I voted for change" sticker. Since when do you not get a sticker?
2. I don't get to see the results to dancing with the stars. Who cares who won the election, I want to know who is being eliminated.

I remember before I could vote I was excited to, like most of the people in my high school were excited when their older and similar looking brother turned 21. Then the first time I could vote I was part of a small group of people in Austin whose registration was "lost." That was interesting- something to tell people. After that I heard from an economics class that your vote doesn't matter. (obviously very oversimplified)
Good thing that I now live in a swing state. All my super America friends vote (2 separate links there people) so I do too. My new driver's license has not arrived in the mail yet though so I was nervous- lucky for me I voted in the primary so I was on file.

I am glad that I voted, but honestly it was boring. We didn't even have a line. The only thing holding us up was the difficulty of my first name. I was good though- I didn't even correct her when she called me Jenna. About 15 times. Why is it always the people that can't pronounce your name that use it excessively, like how I am "Janelle" at work with Cindy.
If you want I will mail you an I voted for Change sticker. Consider it a giveaway. They gave us a stack.

Stacey Moore (November 4, 2008 at 8:46 PM)  

thanks for posting our button!

Jennifer (November 5, 2008 at 12:56 AM)  

You got cheated! I got TWO stickers - one for voting and one that I stole as revenge for being asked to cover my Obama t-shirt after I'd already stood in line for an hour with it exposed! Silly poll workers!

Jennifer (November 5, 2008 at 12:57 AM)  

Oh - and it rocks that I am the "Super America" friend. Because I am super, aren't I?

janaemadsen (November 6, 2008 at 2:46 AM)  

you are super- I can't believe you had to cover your shirt how silly is that? We got election stuff in the polling location- that's how I got my sticker and doornob hanger.

HeatherandTanner (November 6, 2008 at 5:23 PM)  

Screw the sticker, at least you got to vote! I had the unfortunate experience of not getting to vote, and my first election too! Bummer! But, as it turns out my vote didn't really matter. Maybe your teacher was right. And it's was also a good thing because I was undecided on a lot of things!

mablebrown (November 7, 2008 at 10:50 PM)  

You got a doorknob hanger too? Maybe I'll volunteer next time for some sweet stickers!

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