Driving Music
Today I was told by a song to “Say what you need to say.” My only problem is that I was told to do this about twenty million times, give or take. Also there is a song about hearts all over the world that might be telling a woman that he needs her boob. I am surprised what ends up being a catchy song. I try my best not to listen to the lyrics because a song that I used to like has such inane words that I can’t listen to it anymore. Obviously you cannot breathe with no air, what kind of question is that? Do people ever find themselves singing along with such terrible lyrics and stop themselves, embarrassed? I personally think that I’ve only got four minutes to save to the world sometimes. Driving long distances offers time for introspection about the nature of song lyrics and today we are on our way back across the country. I can’t decide if it is just that I hate music or if I’m just in a bad mood. We recently watched the movie Wall-E- I have to admit that my favorite part was probably the clips from Hello Dolly about putting on your Sunday clothes. Those are good lyrics- who doesn’t feel better when they look hot? Of course the idea of hopping down any street with a parasol and a band accompaniment seems appealing to me as I am safely buckled with our over laden car. In reality it would probably be more like
the embarrassing marching band days in middle school where for some reason our school made us wear long white pants and blue tucked in T-shirts in July heat. Reality just isn’t always conducive to musicals- I know a girl who is constantly singing show tunes and I just want to use a little duck tape and a rope to get relief. Or maybe I should just drown her out with the actual shows and an iHome. We all know someone who fails to grasp that the reason they aren’t in the musical is that their talent is insufficient. Like the people who sing along with the radio in the car when other people are in their cars. Unless these people are your sisters it really just showcases your lack of talent. Or utter lack of talent.
The band accompaniment of our lives just isn’t long enough, and if the song was it would probably be boring. As someone who grew up back in the dark ages of cassette tapes I appreciate the hours of labor that can go into making a good mixed tape. The danger we face is when the tape doesn’t automatically switch around and you have to jump up and flip it over seconds before your would be kiss. The pauses were important. They taught us our musical humanity. Sometimes I yearn for a time when we could actually follow Simon and Garfunkel and listen to the sounds of silence.
I hope your trip is good. Is Danielle having an alright time in the car? I hope so. You weren't gone at 10am (I dropped off some of those bags a few doors down). When did you leave? Let me know when you get back, although, I assume you'll post again. Hopefully you guys can come out here again another time. It was a lot of fun.
I am all of a sudden filled with dread, realizing that I am one of those people that sing in the car, with you in the passenger seat. Oh well. Bytheway...Ben recommends the band "the Arcade Fire" for excellent lyrics and roadtripping tunes.
Also, when we marched down Hazel Dell AVE, we were totally looking hot. Who doesn't in white pants?
If you just realize what I just realized! Now repeat that 500 times. Hey, it's a song now! That one gets stuck in my head now. I really do like the pocketful of sunshine song, but I have to listen to other crappy songs to hear it. How's Utah?
Great post. Maybe I should catch up on the rest of your blog. I miss you. Remember when we were peeps?!?!?
Hey Janae, are you back to philly yet? My custom domain went kaput so you can find me at bergnewz.blogspot.com
Loving the pix!