What I did Today

Today I lost at Settler's of Catan. Again. Oh well. I love playing with the cities and knights addition but I haven't really figured it out yet. I like to play a game again and again until I feel like I have a good strategy.
Also I noticed that Danielle is so cute- she took all my ribbon out of the container and was running around with as much of it on her head as possible. Then she would yell and spin. She does this thing where she stomps her feet now and was dubbed "godzilla baby" by one store clerk. This is the first time I found myself laughing about child comments rather than rolling my eyes. The man remembered us from before when Danielle chased the store dog around and tried nonstop to pet it. She cried when the dog got to go behind the desk and threw a baby tantrum, which means she screamed for a few seconds until she discovered there were other things to look at and do. She was yelling and tromping around last night at that same game store where she finally discovered the way to get the shy doggie to play with her. She shared her crackers with it. Suddenly all her hopes and dreams of making a doggie friend were realized and she made a few victory stomps. This lifelong joy only lasted until Danielle discovered it was much more fun to run from mommy and throw books on the floor. That was almost two minutes of pure baby/doggie joy. Then she realized another thing that keeps her from real happiness. You see I won't let her rip the pages out and that is rude. Danielle also needed her security dinner roll today. it was sitting on the counter but she wanted it. She didn't eat any of it but carrying it around for a few hours must have been quite therapeutic. I also decided it was finally time to make all those boy sets that people have been looking for- are there only boy babies these days? I was shockingly low and people needed them so I decided to work on the supply. I made a set that I am going to call "Janelle's Gift Set". It has monkeys on it and has a 20 inch blanket and 3 burp cloths. I like the idea of the 20 inch blanket because then the kid can carry it around without taking every piece of dirt with them. Also they are the perfect size for a car seat which I like.
My cousin Janelle is having a boy. She actually didn't find out at the ultrasound so everyone in her family knew but not her. It was a surprise and she found out at her shower. I don't know how she had so much patience. At Paul's wedding it somehow came up- someone went up to her and said they didn't know she was pregnant. When they asked if she knew what she was having I almost blurted out- she's having a boy. I wasn't even thinking and almost ruined a surprise that tons of other people had maintained. How does this happen? It was my dad who asked and I am glad that I was cut off by someone else answering before I blew it. That was a close one. As was Danielle's attempt to sneak off and play with scissors this morning. Oh the joy of finding your daughter in the same room you are in, only with the rotary blade and shears. I guess that marks another shelf she can reach. And another mommy win against baby suicide attempts. 24 burp cloth sets later I am ready for business again.

Claire (August 14, 2008 at 9:03 AM)  

I love the monkey fabric. I'm so excited for sewing today.

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