Sunday Thoughts
Why is Sunday the hardest day to have good thoughts?
Every Sunday I do my best to go to church and sit through the three hours of meetings. It's interesting not teaching during any of the hours. Relaxing. and slower. Today at church Danielle decided to be slightly less terrible than normal so she got away with it. It started when we sat out in the hall during sacrament meeting, and Danielle ran around and tried to talk to everyone. I let her. Not very good for my consistent parenting score but some days you are just glad she isn't screaming about not being able to have your purse.
Really I guess the war started this morning when she asked for mom at her door and I came. She handed me her wet diaper and ran back to her trains she was playing with. Danielle knows that when the diapers are wet you take them off- but starting two decided mommy and daddy shouldn't be the ones taking the diapers off. She can do it, after all. Then I almost forgot the posters I was supposed to make for Enrichment.
We went to all of church though, so maybe I will count this week as a win. Maybe John teaching second hour had something to do with it. I started to get a headache second hour, and by Relief Society I was rooting through Danielle's diaper bag looking for a treat. There were rolls in the kitchen and soup for the choir practice after church. It was sitting there in a crock pot with a name on it. Not my name.
I was wondering if it was bad to steal food from the kitchen during Relief Society. If only I hadn't quit ward choir, there would be no question.
I would have eaten one of those yummy rolls.
I would've eaten the roll, hands down.