Positive Post #14
I have the opportunity to undo one of the worst mistakes of my life. What is it? that's right- getting the wrong color gold in my crown. Now my dentist (who really was NOT very good) recommended that I get a porcelain crown. Since I've been to a few jaw specialists who disagree and I cracked my tooth by clenching I asked for a gold crown. Porcelain can crack so if you clench or grind your teeth you shouldn't get it. You should get gold.
So once I had convinced my dentist that even though my porcelain crown would be guaranteed for two years I was going to get the less attractive gold they grudgingly asked me what color I wanted. Color? I didn't know that gold came in colors.
Then I realized what an idiot I am- of course it comes in colors, my wedding ring is white gold. I thought- well maybe I should match my wedding ring.
I don't know if you know this but a white gold crown looks a lot like those cheap-o metal fillings you used to get as a kid that I don't even know if they make anymore. Why didn't I get yellow gold? I could spit every time someone sees my crown and tells me they used to get fillings like that when they were kids. NO YOU DIDN'T.
and I would never be so vain about my teeth to care if people think my crown is gold or just a super big cavity.
Just yesterday a miracle happened- while I was eating my crown fell out of my mouth. Now if I can get my other crown to fall out by tomorrow morning I can get it replaced with a yellow gold crown. I guess crowns just fall out sometimes since mine did. Maybe I can count on the other one falling out eventually- I could just get them to make me a yellow gold one. This one only lasted about 17 months after all. How about when my slowly and painfully dying root next to the newest crown finally dies- maybe I won't just need a root canal like the other surrounding teeth- maybe I can get another crown. Luckily I still had three pain killers left over from after I had a baby so I should be able to make it until tomorrow morning. Should I be worried that my crown stump hurts so bad? Can that get infected or is there even tooth left there?
Man I wish I was a dentist.
So my advice to you is to plan what color your crowns will be someday. Think of the repercussions of the color gold you get. I might be stuck- or have non matching teeth. On the bright side I could get white gold yellow gold white gold yellow gold. Then I could wear any color jewelry and match.
end positive post #14
Janae, one of my reoccurring nightmares is me losing teeth. I only felt the sensation in life once when my temporary crown feel out. It still gives me the willies. I feel you've experienced much deeper pain...a tooth per child. And, now once again, the crown. I liked how your post made me squirm a little bit. we should talk soon. I want to hear about your life. Soon, we will be practically neighbors.
I'm so sorry!
Have you ever thought of getting red gold? ;) I have a gold crown with a porcelain or ceramic veneer on the outside, so nobody sees the color ;) I'm sorry to hear about your tooth problems. During my "thesis" (which was all about dental stuff) I learned that the quality of your teeth is mostly genetic. I have bad teeth, so that's a good excuse, huh? I can understand that your crown stump hurts b/c the dentinal tubules are exposed and yes, I think it can get infected (but only if you don't clean your teeth). I think it won't if you go to the dentist straight away to have it fixed. Do you still study to be a dental hygienist?