to John
Well John wanted me to Post about young Adult vampire novels I read. that's not all I read though. I also read urban fantasy and other crappy novels.
When I was in London there was someone that was into Auras. She said my aura was indigo and my secondary color as lavender. I guess lavender people like fantasy.
I've always wondered why I like fantasy novels. It's my aura! I really like lavender and indigo- they are great colors.
Melissa De La Cruz wrote a series. Vampires are fallen angels that followed Satan in the war in heaven. I think it has interesting ideas.
I've read all of Patricia Brigg's books. They are in the tri cities for the most part. She writes mostly about wearwolves. not for young adults.
I've read this whole series so far. I'm losing interest. Five books of her liking the same person and trying to drag out them getting together or not. boring.
House of Night Series- This series is interesting and fun but has some more inappropriate parts for young people and everyone wants one girl. I could see how young adults who haven't moved past the self involved stage of life would think this is the ultimate dream. There are two types of vampires, which I think is an interesting idea.
I read all of those books too... except the Patricia Briggs books (the picture didn't load on that by the way). Why did John want you to post these?