John's Baby
Danielle inherited a lot from John- and not just sneezing in the sun.
Danielle always wants to watch the my little pony show. Or any show. I think "show" was one of her first words. When she wakes up she asks for a show and it doesn't stop. Friday I also noticed her with the remote control in the menu of the on demand shows. She was watching word world at the time and had somehow managed to turn on a new word world show. If she really knows how to do that (which I doubt- it was probably just luck) she figured out the remote control faster than I did.Danielle would watch shows all day if she could. When she won't go to bed when she is sick we watch a movie and she calms down. Last night she was feeling sick and couldn't really stop crying so we went to the new star trek movie. She was pretty good and understands that if we talk to the people around us we have to leave. Also she said goodbye to the robots at the end. During scary parts she closes her eyes and holds my hand. The only danger with her and movies is that she gets so excited and wants to talk about it. We try to take her to mostly kid movies lately but any type of show is OK with Danielle. She tells us she is happy when she watches shows.John likes watching movies ANY TIME- so I have practice monitoring television and movie watching.
which brings me to a question- Why do kids want to watch the same movie over and over and over?
That Star Trek show shut me up too. What action.
I don't know why kids like to watch the same movie over. Honestly, I can barely handle some movies once.
Matt sneezes in the sun too!