Greetings from the blogging world.

Well I don't update very much anymore. Mostly because really there are some things you shouldn't really
 put on a blog and a lot of them have happened in my life. Basically everyone should know that getting divorced sucks and having a husband who - whatever.. whatever. but you know that doesn't suck? My kids who are still really innocent about the world and are so honest about their feelings and hopes.

Since I lived through my worst nightmare this last year I learned a few things.
1. I had no idea what life was like for a lot of people. and I'm a little ashamed that I didn't do more for others.
2. There are no take backs.
3. I think people are valuable. You should treat them that way.
4. Stuff is just stuff.
5. There is nothing that will make you crazier than not knowing if you can feed your kids.
6. I've learned who my enemies were.
7. I've learned that there are some good people in the world.
8. I've learned that sometimes when you don't want to do anything or ever get out of bed you should just make a checklist of what you think a good mom/person would do and then check off a few things every day. Someday you will actually just get out of bed because you are excited to do them... I think.
9. I've learned that my feelings heal slower than I expected.
10. I've learned how tempting deflection is.

My kiddos are so wonderful. They all share a room right now and Andrew sleeps on a mattress on the floor.  All those Montessori blogs I used to love to read would be so proud of me. OK actually Danielle has been sleeping on my floor. I love the picture of the first night they were together because Andrew climbed in with Danielle and cuddled up. Then the other night Mark slept right next to Andrew and they were totally adorable.

And Mark got potty trained. so that's awesome.
and I have a job.
and I got in to school.
and I ran a half marathon.
and I love being in Utah because there are so many things to do outside with kiddos for free.

NaDell (May 2, 2013 at 3:53 AM)  

You are so incredibly busy. Impressive the amount of things you have conquered this year, even if there are many of them that you did NOT have on your life goal list.
I like #8 on your list. When life gets hard and you're a mom, you can't just check out. You still have to be a mom (and a "dad" to if they are lacking.)

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