
Did I mention on Sunday a dentist moved into our ward?  I totally wanted to volunteer as a dental assistant.  Because I discovered late in life that I wish I was a dentist. I think after John is done maybe I will try to become a dentist.
If I don't become a professional nap taker, which is equally appealling.

Also, I have to say that some people can't comment on the blog- I guess if you go to "home" it is easier but it's touch and go. I'm so sorry.  I love comments.  Sometimes I tell myself a post is broken because I don't get comments.  Also then I notice it's not very interesting, but let's focus on the commenting ability.

You know what I love?  making crafts with my kiddos.  Danielle and I made some shirts the other day. She told me to sell them in my etsy shop. So I made a new section with all the shirts in it that we made. My sister tells me if I'm not careful I will become the queen of tie dye.  judging by how that spot on my floor looks I don't know if this would be the best plan for me. It's hilarious to see how seriously Danielle takes helping make the shirts.  She wants to put pink in everything, which I can totally relate to.
So I'm loving that my etsy shop is doing pretty well right now. My sister Rachelle has been helping me with my listings and tags so they are easier to find on search. It makes me want to buy hair pins from her. I highly recommend them- my children are always trying to steal them from the bin where I store them. But also it gives me hope that I would be able to work at home so John can just study. Or actually do research since he is from a family of scientists and likes that.  I think a lot of people with kiddos work while their husbands are in school, and I like all the colorful fabric. It makes me happy when I am about to have baby number three-I want security just like the next person. and I want to go to the gym with my kiddos...
I'm totally thankful for all my blog friends.  I don't think I would get to hear as much from Carlie or Kathryn, and I like them. also thankful for my sisters. and that I know I can be jealous of Sara eating the williams sonoma croissants. We should totally go on a girl's trip out to visit Jill and her croissants.  If only I knew her...I will have to save money I earn. If I start earning enough that is. Claire has told me to start carrying Ipod and Ipad covers and I think she is brilliant.
but I wonder if she wants pink tie dye ones...

NaDell (November 9, 2011 at 2:51 PM)  

Those are cute!
Glad you're having fun with Danielle. I love the faces she's making in the pictures. =)

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