It's the Leash or the Shoes

This time comes in every parents life. The time when they realize if they have one of those obedient children or the ones that would happily go home with strangers. I still have a childhood memory of running away from my mom on a walk and she had to get out the toddler hand leash. Rather than playing like all my siblings I had to walk with mom. I think was about 7 so you can imagine this was horrifying.
Danielle is super cute. This is probably my favorite age so far. But she thinks it is super funny to run away from her parents. At the half yearly sale when she was hiding in the racks I thought it was super funny. At church when she went on the stand I thought it was funny too but also embarrassing. I realized I wasn't really faster than her in my slightly uncomfortable but very fun shoes.
Now I, like my mother, will be able to tell her how terrible she was as a child. Once she has children and it's payback time. John was the loudest child his parents had and my parents thought I was very disobedient. I know- shocking! Danielle laughs in the face of danger.
Danielle is going to start having a baby leash. I don't know how to go about getting one that I like- I thought about getting a retractable leash for her but John informs me that there are products specifically designed for this. Some of them are cute plush backpacks that don't look very stylish. Am I really trying to hide the nature of the leash? To what end?
I only know one woman who has a baby leash. She also seems to think her children were and are the hardest kids that were ever born. It's like a statement about how hard her life is that she has a baby leash. What does this mean? Should I avoid it? does it mean I can't handle my daughter? I am sure that there is significant social stigma attached to the baby leash- both for wearer and parent.
Maybe I can find a way to blame John. That's what husband are for- right?

NaDell (January 14, 2009 at 12:36 PM)  

Ah, the baby leash. We never did it, but probably should have. We went camping and Olivia was supposed to be with older (like 8 years old) kids from church and she wandered off. We were all looking for her and she showed up at our campsite with two Oreos. (This is a camping place that is a church owned one and only our ward was there.) Noone we asked said that they had Oreos. We still don't know where they came from, but after that, Andy told her that if she wandered again, she would be tied to a tree. She didn't wander again. (This was only this last summer though. She was almost three.) Before that, our kids are usually confined to the stroller or a grandparent or aunt or uncle holds them or at least their hand.
Yeah, you need to find some comfy mommy shoes. (They do make cute almost flats.) They are much more practical and easy. (But then, I never did get into high heels. I prefer the big clunky ones.) Good luck.

NaDell (January 14, 2009 at 12:37 PM)  

Wow. That comment is super long. I always do long comments. At least it's worth opening your email. =)

HeatherandTanner (January 14, 2009 at 2:18 PM)  

So I don't have kids, but if they start to run away from me, I will use it. I used to hide in shopping racks too! I thought it was the funniest thing... and then my mom got a leash. It wrapped around my wrist and I wasn't smart enough to take off the velcro. I don't really remember it much at all. I think it's because my mom put it on me a couple of times and I learned my lesson. So, go for it!

mablebrown (January 16, 2009 at 1:11 PM)  

Keep the super hot shoes, get the baby leash, and blame EVERYTHING on John. Ha.

Dana Carlin (January 21, 2009 at 4:16 PM)  

I own an unattractive animal backpack child leash. I tried it on Killian when we were at Disney - only to end up looking like an extremely abusive mother. (He flipped out and kept falling down when I tried to pull him in any way, which looked like I was pulling him down and harming him.) Good luck!

Carlie (January 21, 2009 at 11:15 PM)  

I think you should invent a cool baby leash and sell it on your website.

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