Danielle got a beautiful hat from Rachelle and her roommate the other day. She likes wearing it around the house and asking for hat.
Baby Madsen number two likes to kick me in the bladder. One of my greatest fears is peeing my pants while pregnant and I swear this child will do it. He also likes to move around so much I give up on sleeping and make blog posts.
I like these shoes. They are available at Piper Lime. They would look beautiful with my linen skirt. why are the shoes I like always so expensive? I was looking at piper lime and found a beautiful pair of shoes- which was on sale for 500 dollars. Seriously? who buys these shoes. I guess not that many people since they are on sale. Some days I wish I was one of the people who had enough money to buy five hundred dollar shoes.
Maybe you have to be born that way.